This site is for art lovers who are curious about the experiences and thought processes of a practising artist. It is also for people who are in search of truth and honesty, the two values that have always been at the foundation of great art.
The core of this site is my blog, where I record my thoughts about art and the artists of the past who inspire me, my irritiation with the art establishment, and my experiences as an artist in the world. If you are curious about my work, you can look at the gallery, where I have posted photographs of a few of my paintings. You will also see pictures of some of my drawings and paintings on my blog. However, seeing a photograph of a work of art is not the same as seeing the work itself. Therefore, if you happen to be in the Ottawa area, drop me a line to schedule a studio visit. If you cannot travel to Ottawa, please go to a nearby art museum or visit a local artist’s studio instead. There is no substitute for seeing original art in person, and I don’t want the photographs on my web site to imply otherwise.
Happy reading!
Hulya Guler